Porrith Suong / Minimal Vulkan Template

Created Wed, 19 Feb 2025 08:40:02 -0500 Modified Thu, 20 Feb 2025 08:22:59 -0800
304 Words

Not too long ago, I read Sebastian’s blog post, Programming Without Friction and I was also in the need to try and practice Vulkan. In the same fashion, I started building out my own finance tool using egui, winit, and vulkan-ash.

I have had some experience trying to build out a vulkan app in C++ first and through my attempts of my own game engine, but that effort is inconsistent due to the usual reasons of life. So, I needed something with smaller effort and started to work on my own opiniated CSV editor for my own finance. While Google Sheets, LibreOffice Calc, Excel all exist and works, it won’t fit my need of building something small and getting more comfortable rewriting Vulkan code.

After a few nights of exploring egui’s APIs and looking how to get the mesh data, I ended up getting something working quite nicely.


Some features, I ended up going with are (left to right based on the screenshot).

Side Panel

  • loading/saving csv files
  • adding/removing rows
  • filtering by month and/or category (pretty happy with this one, I’m just using bit flags to figure out how to filter)
  • editing the categories

Central Panel

  • main table with clickable rows, drag and drop, editing values in the csv

Right panel

  • quick summary to view stats (WIP)

Eventually, I want to explore plotting so I can visualize data from my CSV. Like I said, all of this I can do already in any off the shelf CSV editor, but this is more fun for me. I even ended up with a template I can continuously fork to create small apps that run at 60 fps. It doesn’t support things like images yet, mainly because I don’t have a need to load and display images, but if I do, I can always update the template.