Porrith Suong / Starting with Vulkan and Rust

Created Sat, 15 Aug 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Modified Wed, 28 Aug 2024 18:57:08 -0400

So I’ve always wanted to learn Rust and Vulkan together. I’ve done a bit of it before using C++ and Vulkan, but I’d like to start recreating that previous C++ Vulkan Renderer with Rust. So in these series of blog posts - I’ll write some public notes on Rust and how it is interfaced with the Vulkan ash crate.

The implementation of Vulkan will primarily be based on this tutorial. This blog post will cover the Instance section of the tutorial series.

Without further ado, let’s get started!


Structs in Rust are typically styled in a C like fashion. With Vulkan, I ended up defining a VulkanApp struct which contains an _entry and an _instance field.

use ash::version::{EntryV1_0, InstanceV1_0};
use ash::{vk, Entry, Instance};
use std::{error::Error, ffi::CString, result::Result};

struct VulkanApp
    _entry: Entry,
    _instance: Instance

What’s interesting about Rust, is the implementation is typically defined out of the structure using the impl keyword. Coming from C#/C++, this looks a bit odd since I didn’t have to define the function protoypes in a header, but just write out the implementation in a different section.

impl VulkanApp // <- Like a header, I just defined the implemented functions on a type like so
    // Some function implementations here

So with Vulkan, I have to create an instance which I can access. The ash crate follows a Fluent like API, which is also commonly referred to as a builder pattern. Here’s a page on Wikipedia about said pattern, I’ve certainly seen this style around and it is very human readable.

impl VulkanApp
    // Pretty much my constructor written in a function
    fn new() -> Result<Self, Box<dyn Error>>
        log::info!("Creating application");

        let entry = ash::Entry::new().expect("Failed to create entry!");
        let instance = Self::create_instance(&entry)?;

               _entry: entry,
               _instance : instance

    fn create_instance(entry: &Entry) -> Result<Instance, Box<dyn Error>>
        // Some really nice Fluent API right here!
        let app_info = vk::ApplicationInfo::builder()
            .application_name(CString::new("Vulkan Application")?.as_c_str())
            .application_version(ash::vk_make_version!(0, 1, 0))
            .engine_name(CString::new("No Engine")?.as_c_str())
            .engine_version(ash::vk_make_version!(0, 1, 0))
            .api_version(ash::vk_make_version!(1, 0, 0))

        let extension_names = util::required_extension_names();

        let instance_create_info = vk::InstanceCreateInfo::builder()

            Ok(entry.create_instance(&instance_create_info, None)?) 

The ? Operator

Okay, so there are some things I need to go over with the create_instance function. Let’s focus on this line first:

.application_name(CString::new("Vulkan Application")?.as_c_str())

What the heck does the ? mean?

Well first, we use a type called CString, which is a C compatible string (remember that in C, we define strings like so char*). Rust does not have exceptions per say, what they introduce is something called panics, which have limited functionality. Panics are typically non recoverable, but we can perform something similar to a “try-catch” using a match statement on a Result struct (I’ll show this later).

The ? operator is just a short hand similar to the null coalescense operator. If there is no error, then the as_c_str() function will execute. Otherwise, the function will early out.

Using Functions Implemented in Another File

It’s not very obvious from the code snippet, but the util:required_extension_names() is a function implemented in a different file.

Like most programming languages, I typically import the other file using the mod keyword (other langauges like C will use the #include define). Files are typically organized as modules in Rust so a file like util.rs will be referenced as mod util in the import section of the file.

Per Platform Configurations

Rust is designed to work on major operating systems such as Windows, Linux, and macOS. So for a cross compiled language, there will be cases where libraries and extensions are only available on the platform. While C based language can provide scripting defines and define locks per platform, Rust provides an attribute called cfg. The cfg attribute provides conditional compilation like in the util.rs file example below.

use ash::extensions::khr::Surface;

#[cfg(target_so = "windows")]
use ash::extensions::khr::Win32Surface;

#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
pub fn required_extension_names() -> Vec<*const i8> 

#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
use ash::extensions::mvk::MacOSSurface;

#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
pub fn required_extension_names() -> Vec<*const i8>


All safe functions from the standard library are built on “unsafe” functionality, which means that the code isn’t inherently unsafe to use, but can have unexpected behaviours if used improperly. Pointers, while common in C and C++, are typically hidden in languages like Java and C# (although C# provides pointers via unsafe feature too!). Rust provides pointer support in the unsafe context, so we can interop Rust with external libraries like Vulkan (which is originally a C library).

In the unsafe block, a value of type Result is returned. The Result is a kind of conditional yield. If the operation is successful, then the Ok enum will execute, otherwise the Err enum will execute.

    Ok(entry.create_instance(&instance_create_info, None)?)  // Everything is a-ok to create the Vulkan instance.

Implementing the Drop trait for VulkanApp

Langages like C#/C++ allow you to define a destructor, which is a form of cleanup when the structure leaves out of scope. This is done with RAII in C++ and C# handled by the GC for managed objects.

Rust has a form of a destructor called Drop, which is exactly like C++ or C# destructor.

impl Drop for VulkanApp 
    fn drop(&mut self) 
        log::debug!("Dropping application.");

Running the Application

The run function is very simple for now. All I am doing at the moment is simply logging that the application is running after creating the Vulkan instance.

fn run(&mut self)
    log::debug!("Running Application.");

Just some additional notes:

Rust by default will always declare variables as immutable. To allow mutability on a variable, you add the mut keyword.

When assigning variables in Rust, like let x = y, Rust moves the owner ship of the value of y to x. When the value moves, the previous variable y is no cleaned up and has no reference. This ensures dangling pointers are properly dealt with.

The main() function

I think by convention, most programming languages will declare a main function as the entry point for any program.

fn main()
    match VulkanApp::new() 
        Ok(mut app) => app.run(),
        Err(error)  => log::error!("Failed to create application. Cause: {}", error),

I initialize a logger so I can log any kinds of errors and implement the match statement. Since the new() function will return a Result<T, U>, I explicitly implement the Ok and Err states. If the application runs without errors, then I run the app.run(). Otherwise, I’ll log the error.

I’m currently working on the validation layers. Once I’m done with that, I can write the next entry in this blog series about implementing validation layers.